UK49s Results

UK49s is a daily lottery in the UK that is based on 6 drawn numbered balls and a bonus number. The winning numbers are announced in the UK lunchtime draws. The player can play either with a single digit or all seven numbers. To find out the winning numbers of the lunchtime draw, check this page. The latest UK49s results will be published on the website. It is advisable to play both draws if you want to double your income. Source

Find Out the Winning Numbers of the UK Lunchtime Lottery

The UK Lunchtime results will be updated on a live basis, shortly after the winning numbers are announced. However, you can also check the archive of past results further down the page. These are updated every time a new draw takes place. You can also get notifications from the website when a new set of results are published. The prize claim periods will vary by bookmaker. Moreover, you will not have to go to a newspaper to check the results of the UK 49s lunchtime.

If you wish to play the UK lunchtime lottery, you can check the latest UK49s results online. The lunchtime draws take place at 5:49 pm (UK time) from february to october, and at 4:49pm during the rest of the year. The minimum ticket purchase amount for this lottery is £9. The teatime draw will take place at 4:30 pm on 2 March 2021. In this case, you should buy a ticket of the same amount, which is £3.

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