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Choosing the Best Synthetic Urine For Drug Test

best synthetic urine for drug test

If you need to pass a best synthetic urine for drug test, it’s best to use the best synthetic urine available. Choosing a fake pee can make your life a lot easier.

Synthetic urine is also known as laboratory urine. It mimics the visual properties of real human urine. However, it is not always chemically the same.

Some of the common components of real human urine are uric acid and albumin. The latter is a protein found in urine.

Uric acid is often tested by urinalysis laboratories. Albumin is part of the reason urine bubbles when it’s fresh. Without these chemicals, a drug test may flag the sample as fraudulent.

Although it may seem that a fake pee is easy to prepare, it actually takes a bit of skill. You must keep it hidden at the proper temperature and avoid exposing it to the sun.

Are There Any Home Remedies That Can Help Pass A Drug Test With Fake Pee

One of the best ways to get the best synthetic urine is to order it online. That way, you are guaranteed that you are using the product of a good quality brand.

A good synthetic urine kit should come with an IV bag, heat pad, and temperature strip. These pieces of gear can help you to prepare your fake pee for the test.

Another helpful tool is a belt with a peeing tube. It’s a great option if you’re attempting to smuggle a fake pee into a testing booth. Make sure it’s a little under your navel and just below your chest.

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