Sometimes advance planning isn’t possible, and the need to find a hotel at short notice becomes a reality. Luckily, hotels are eager to rent out empty rooms, and if you’re willing to be flexible in terms of location and hotel type, you’ll often get great last minute hotel deals on your trip.
Don’t Wait! Last Minute Hotel Deals Ready for Booking!
The trick to finding these last-minute deals is knowing where to look. Some websites are geared specifically to last-minute deals, like Hotwire and Priceline’s Express Deals, where the name of the hotel is kept a secret until you book, and you can save up to 60 percent off rates.
More general search sites are also helpful, especially if you’re willing to compromise. Skyscanner’s hotel search is a good place to start, as it lets you filter results by room type and offers a wealth of information on each hotel. If you’re willing to accept a slightly different hotel than you were hoping for, it can also be worth looking at mystery hotel deals, where you book without knowing the name of the hotel you will be staying in until after you have booked.
Many hotels partner with these sites to offer discounted rooms, so you can usually get an idea of what kind of hotel you will be staying in before booking. You can also try using a site such as Google Hotel Search, which will compare prices across all the major booking engines. This will give you a good idea of which one has the best deal on a particular night.